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Exam Gloves are used for medical examinations, surgeries and are disposable. There are many medical supply companies that sell Exam Gloves in packets of more than 100 for hospitals, clinics and other medical environments. By using a pair of exam gloves, you can make the patient's safety more secure. Without the use of them, there stands a risk of contamination and infections. There are three types of exam gloves- latex, nitrile and vinyl gloves. These gloves are made in a way that makes them easier to put on. There is a wide variety of sizes available as well. Many hospitals and clinics color code their gloves by size so it is easier to identify when you are quickly trying to put a pair on.
Here are the three types of exam gloves explained:
1. Latex- These types of gloves are known for their durability and flexibility. These standard gloves are very inexpensive and are comfortable to wear since they are very flexible. You can find both powdered as well as Powder Free Latex Gloves. Always make sure you buy the right fitting gloves because only then will you be able to work wearing those gloves, without any restriction in finger movement.
2. Nitrile- This type of material is becoming rapidly popular as it is suitable for usage even for patients who are allergic to latex, powered, rubber proteins found in many gloves etc. They give you watertight protection thus creating fewer chances of infections. Nitrile gloves are oil and grease resistant as well. Also, these gloves are known to be more durable than the other two types of gloves.
3. Vinyl-These are made with Poly Vinyl Chloride. Clinics and hospitals use vinyl gloves for patients that are allergic to latex. Also, this kind of gloves is the most cost effective type found. These gloves give a very comfortable as well as soft feeling kind of fit. Although, vinyl gloves shouldn't be used for handling chemotherapy drugs or in high risk operations.
All exam gloves have to go through series of standardized tests to see whether they are of good quality and have the ability to provide barrier protection against infections and can be used within the hospital environment.
A pair of gloves is used for performing all sorts of patient examinations, surgeries, and also for handling bodily fluids or contaminants. A heavy-duty supply of gloves is always maintained in hospitals, clinics, medical centers etc. You should choose the most durable option so that you can be sure that they won't get destroyed by small pricks from sharp objects. Also, they should be waterproof to avoid any kind of liquid contaminant to seep inside your gloves and contaminate your hands.
Latex and Nitrile Gloves Suppliers are known to be the best among the lot and can handle heavy load work. You should not act stingy when buying these gloves as they are the ones that will protect you and patients from infections, dangerous contamination etc.
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